The Tennis Time(domain name under the following ethics policy.
This applies to all editorial staff, as well as freelancers and contributors while they produce work for the site
Conflicts of Interest, Activism and Disclosures
The Tennis Time has complete editorial independence and our editorial staff and contributors take their beats seriously. Any editorial team member or contributors will be recused from a story and/or publicly disclose conflicts of interest when editorially appropriate. This may include a personal or family relationship, personal financial investment, or relevant political activity. Our staff will also refrain from demonstrating or donating to causes that could compromise their journalistic coverage of an issue.
Corrections, Updates and Deletions
The Tennis Time makes every effort for content to be completely accurate upon publication. If a correction is required, however, we are transparent and update a story if new information either adds to or invalidates the original story. We will issue corrections for a factual error or if a typo in the copy could cause audiences to misunderstand the story.
We almost always leave all editorial content live, with notes and corrections as needed. We may, in rare instances, remove content from our websites, social media pages, or related platforms for legal reasons or extenuating circumstances. Removal will never be at the direction of, or be influenced by, our advertisers and will always be approved by editorial leadership.
Professional Appearances
Tennis Time authors sometimes help authors of other publications with topic choices for their next article, as well as writing pieces on other sites such as, and answering questions from tennis fans on and helping to develop the tennis community on reddit.
The Tennis Time obtains news and content from a variety of sources. Some of our sources do not wish to be named, and we grant anonymity when we know our sources to be credible and reliable, and that their stories would otherwise not be told. We make best efforts to confirm the veracity of the information provided by anonymous sources and will not include any information we have not thoroughly vetted. It is our policy not to pay sources.